For now, this is a web log about joining my father and some of his friends for a bike ride. It might turn into something else, someday. Or it might die a horrible, neglected death.
Dad started July 5 from Seaside, OR, and tonight is in Baker City, OR. I'm joining him tomorrow evening in Baker City. And then on Saturday, three or four of us, with two support vehicles, will take off toward the week's destination: Missoula, MT. That's where my trip will end, but Dad and company will continue for a couple more weeks to Sheridan, WY, as his endpoint.
Anyway, I'm hoping to post photos and brief descriptions during the week. But a lot of that will depend on wi-fi availability and my own energy levels. I have a feeling I'm going to be super tired a few times. Just so we understand each other.
I should post a link to the Adventure Cycling Association. Their route-finding and maps make trips like this possible. For a map of the route that we will be riding over the next week, click here. Fortunately for you, you cannot see the elevation profile for that stretch online. Unfortunately for me, I have the full ACA route map, which practically mocks you as it lays out the torture you must endure. A rare "pro" for illiteracy.
Fortunately for me, though, the ACA is headquartered in Missoula, so they've been able to help me figure out how to get my bike and gear back to Boise (short answer -- not Delta).
So that's the overview. Details, with user-friendly graphics, hopefully are in the near future.
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